למען הקהילה

Doing Good

We believe that every person should dedicate part of his/her time to giving back to the community. Therefore, over the years, we have participated in various volunteer activities across the country, such as volunteering with hearing-impaired children, helping farmers with harvesting during the “Shield and Arrow” war, volunteering at the ‘Otiyot’ Center with students from boarding schools who have dropped out of schools, distributing food packages to Holocaust survivors, and more. Every year, our office chooses a charity and supports it throughout the year in volunteer activities. We also participate yearly in the Good Deeds Day organized by Ruach Tova.

Youth Village
Yemin Orde

Yemin Orde Youth Village is a warm home, community, and educational institution for immigrant youth and children who come from various backgrounds and have experienced challenges rooted in cross-cultural transitions. Our firm volunteers with the youth at Yemin Orde and has collaboratively created an empowerment program for the girls of the village. Mimi Zemah, founding partner at our firm, is a member of the Board of Trustees of Yemin Orde.


8200 IMPACT is an acceleration program for high-tech companies in the impact-tech field initiated by alumni of the Intelligence Unit 8200. The program aims to solve social and environmental issues through technology. Our firm joined the program following the ‘Iron Swords’ War, offering free legal advice to participants in the program

Kav Mashve Association

Kav Mashve is an association that works to develop careers for academics from the Arab community and promote them in the Israeli economy. Lawyers from our firm serve as mentors in the association, guiding law students from the Arab community who participate in the association’s programs. Every year, our lawyers conduct legal research and writing workshops, as well as workshops and simulations to prepare students for internship interviews. Additionally, as part of the practical legal training program conducted annually by the association with our firm’s participation, we contribute a scholarship to the winners of a legal opinion drafting and legal research competition.

Reut Association

The community sheltered housing provided by the ‘Reut’ Association offers a roof and quality of life to hundreds of low-income elderly individuals who are healthy and independent in their functioning, many of whom are new immigrants. As part of the joint work, the firm’s employees hold social meetings with the residents, which include table games, discussions, and refreshments. Additionally, our attorneys conducted a will-drafting project, meeting with residents interested in writing a will, assisting in drafting, signing, and legally approving the wills.

Pro Bono Cases

We assist in various pro bono cases for low-income individuals within our areas of expertise.
We place great importance on giving back to the community. We believe that being part of a community means also being on the giving side. Pro bono work allows us to contribute to others and strengthen social resilience. We see it as an opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with those who cannot afford legal services, driven by a deep commitment to equality and the empowerment of vulnerable communities.